Marunong ako ng konting Japanese...ganito ako natuto...:) Is this your property? Arimoto? Yes, this is my property. Arikoto. Is this yours? Sayobato? This is mine. Sakinitu. Can I have it? Akinato? You can have it. Sayonato Can we have it? Aminato? You can have it. Sanyonato Later. Sakana She looks like you. Kamukamu. You haven't washed your face. Mimutamatamo. Are you nervous? Kakabakaba? Are you a loyal customer? Sukikaba? Just surrender. Sukunakasi. I give up. Sukona Remember? Araramo I remember. Ararako Go and work! araro-na! You've grown so thin! Kitanabutomo You are very thin! Purokabuto! We saw each other. Kitakami. We had a big get-together. Kitakitakami. I have a lot of things to do! Hironako! Is this your car? Otomo to? This is my car. Oto koto. Have a drink before you go. Tomakamuna. That was my assumption. Inakarako. This is my desk. Itodesko! We will boycott the election. Kaminoboto. Underarm. KiriKiri. Speechless? Wasabe? Wh...
~Utak gulaman man kung ituring, Superhero naman ang dating!...Super Gulaman!~